

Disclaimers of Liability

Disclaimer of liability BOLD BRAINS GMBH provides you with a large amount of information that is regularly updated. However, due to the technical characteristics of the internet, BOLD BRAINS GMBH cannot guarantee the completeness and correctness of the information provided. The key words contained on this website are only intended to provide a general overview of BOLD BRAINS GMBH. They do not constitute an advertisement, investment advice or an offer to purchase shares in real estate or company purchases managed by BOLD BRAINS GMBH. The information on this website is not tailored to the individual circumstances in individual cases or for individual investors or investor groups. Before deciding to invest or buy shares in a company or real estate, you should consult an investment or tax advisor and examine the accounting and tax effects of such an investment on your own responsibility. We cannot accept any liability or guarantee for the content of the links to third-party providers provided by us or for their proper operation. The recommendations and opinions mentioned there do not have to correspond to the opinion of BOLD BRAINS GMBH. BOLD BRAINS GMBH assumes no liability that this website is free from viruses or other harmful components. Reservation of information The floor plans, illustrations and information shown are renderings and planning images. As part of the implementation and detailed planning, changes to this planning may be possible due to structural requirements or official requirements. The specifications and the contracts actually concluded are decisive for the equipment. The furniture and fixtures shown are exemplary. Furniture and fixtures are not included in the scope of equipment. Some of the illustrations show special equipment which, according to the building description, is only available after prior agreement at additional cost. The floor plans are not suitable for the furnishing measure. The graphic representation of the perspective and facades as well as their color design reflect the view of the illustrator and are therefore not binding. This website expressly does not represent a contract offer. Copyright The content and structure of our website are protected by copyright. All rights reserved. Information or data (text, images, graphics, sound, video or animation files) on the website may not be used in any way, either in full or in part, without the prior written consent of BOLD BRAINS GMBH. Some BOLD BRAINS GMBH Internet pages also contain images that are subject to the copyright of those who made them available. A link to the website may only be set if it points to the homepage www.boldbrainscapital.de (no deep links) and if this does not result in any rights (in particular copyrights, ancillary copyrights or labeling rights) of BOLD BRAINS GMBH, its shareholders or members of the group Societies are hurt.
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